Sunday, May 10, 2009


It has been a month since I have started my Chaleans extreme. When I first started exercising I took photos and then I am suppose to take more every thirty days. Well it has been 30 days and man in a month I have slimmed down very nicely. There is room for importmant. But to see a difference has really made me start to like what I see in the mirror. My face is thinner, my hips and thighs are slimming and firming up. I am starting to have shoulders again. I might actually be able to put on a bathing suit this summer. I am way excited for the next phase in my program. I am in the push phase now and can't wait till I can look at those pictures and see an even greater improvement. I would post the pictures but I am not wearing very much and wouldn't want to scare anyone. I am just glad that I am really doing it after 4 years of struggling to lose the weight. Weight lifting is great. Muscle burns fat. Muscle also doesn't bulk you up especially when you workout with the program I am doing. I have lost about 6 inches on my body in 4 weeks. I am way excited. I am sure I would have lost more weight if I had eaten perfectly. But even though I didn't I am still on the road to success. I don't think I would have been able to do all this if it hadn't been for the support of my wonderful husband. I couldn't have asked for a better husband. He is the most wonderful man ever.

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