Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Am Doing It!!!!!!!!!!

Finally after two months of working out I am starting to lose weight. I have lost 3 pounds so far this week and it feels great. Seeing the scale go down has pumped me up. I wasn't losing weight at all and it was really upsetting me. Sure you may say it is only three pounds but to me that is great since with my last two pregnancies it took me almost 6 months to start seeing results. I am weight lifting and doing cardio and I am also eating better. Even when I slip up it isn't as mad as it has been before. So I feel great. So all you who are trying to lose weight don't give up. I almost did and I am glad that I didn't.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

At Least I Am Trying

It has been awhile since I wrote about my new weight loss goal. I have done pretty well. I am exercising at least one a day three times a week. I wish it was more but sometimes we get too busy or I am just am way too tired. I am try not to eat like a glutton but sometimes it doesn't work. I might not have heavy snacks in the house but when I am stressed I get into the 100 calorie snacks and eat two or three. It makes me feel real guilty other then that at least I am working out.

I have decided to try and get up at 5:30 every morning and workout. My husband doesn't leave till 6:25 to catch the bus so I would have time to work out with out my children waking up and getting in my way. I have succeeded yet getting up early but I just made the plan yesterday.

Today so far I have had cereal, which is was sugary so not a good start to the day. I also have had a sandwich and a pudding cup. The sun is out so I have been more distracted. I spend a portion of my day outside laying on the grass watching my children play and making sure they don't squash my two month old. Well for all those trying to stay fit and loss weight my only advice is don't give up. Even if you slip and mess up. Keeping plugging away. We are human and it takes practice to get this down.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Beginning

Starting today I will be keeping track of the things I eat, and drink. I also will be making notes on how I feel. That way I can see what helps and what doesn't. I can't seem to keep up writing in the notebook. I seem to be able to just push it aside. I am on the computer a lot so I might as well use my time keeping track of things that are important to me so that I can keep to my goals. I will lose all the weight. Even if it does take two or three years. I need to feel good about myself. I love to exercise but I need to be able to keep myself on top of my feelings and my habits so that I can kick my health into turbo mode. I didn't know at first if I was going to let this be know to all but maybe I will inspire others or maybe you can help me stay honest with myself.

Today I have eaten:

yogurt, an apple, almonds,(4) 100 calorie cookie snacks ( I actually didn't mean to eat this many. I grabbed the wrong thing but didn't realize it before it was too late), a grilled cheese sandwich,(1)100 calorie cheez-its, 64 oz of water,two spoons worth of cottage cheese, salad and sunflower seeds.

So far it has been a good day for not eating fating foods. I walked on my treadmill for 20 minutes. Well slightly jogged as well. I love exercising. It clears my head.It helps me to feel calm. It makes me realize that life isn't so bad and I may have overreacted over things that were pointless.

I love feeling sore because I know it is working.

I also have taken a multi vitamin, and a super b complex vitamin. My mom is really into vitamins and has gotten me into them. I am trying to replenish after having three children. Normally I take Super B complex, prenatals ( it keeps my nails nice and my hair growing faster.), I also take zinc, calcium, magnesium. My mom says they help with anxiety. I let you know how it works after a few months of taking them everyday. Well I guess that is all for today.