Monday, January 5, 2009


I have six weeks left and I don't know how I am going to make it. I am already having contractions, I feel nausea all the time, and I have no room to breathe. I am a baby. How do women do it? This is my third pregnancy and it seems like I forget what it was like the last time pregnancy so I decide I want another one and then realize half way through the pregnancy that I am crazy. How did Eve do it? She has it even harder. She didn't even have a doctor. She had Adam. I think if Dan had to deliver our children he would pass out before the baby came. I am excited for the baby. I watch all these mothers at church smiling at their babies or playing with them or feeding their babies and I miss that. My two children are so independent that cuddling with mom is out of the question. The only time they need me is when they are fighting over toys or to change their diapers or to feed them. I want some one to need me but also someone who wants me to hold them.

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