Saturday, May 25, 2013


I have decided to take the Orange Rhino Challenge to not yell at my kids for a certain amount of time. I haven't decided if it is going to be a month or a few more then that. I would love to do a whole year but I figured I could take it a few months at a time. As I accomplish one month or two and so and so on I figured I could make a new goal to take it to the next level. So I think I might do it for three months. This way I can take the challenge quarterly.I will admit I have gotten really bad at screaming and I can tell that our home isn't as calm as it use to be. I need to restore the balance and give my kids a sanctuary from the awful things that are happening outside our home. They need a place of peace, not a place that they fear. So starting today I choose to stop yelling at my kids. If you want more info about the Orange Rhino Challenge, there is a link on my blog under favorite websites. It is an awesome blog! I will try to post my successes and my set back.